Wednesday 12 October 2016

Ultimate 30 Days Six Pack Abs Challenge

Ultimate 30 Days Abs Challenge

There's a reason so many selfies feature a sexy set of six-packs: Well-defined abs are the hallmark of fitness, a chance to show off the hard work you've put in with training and diet. And this one-month plan can help take your middle to the next level. "I'm a big fan of mixing up exercises so you never get bored and creating challenges so you always feel like you're improving," says trainer Lacy Stone, who designed this program. Equally important is diet: "If you eat poorly, you won't see results, but if you do the routine and get your diet in order.

First up is the Nutrition. This will become your most important component because it takes the most discipline, and if you’re not getting rid of the fat burner, then your abs are going to seem more like a two-pack. With the diet, don’t drastically cut carbs, instead burn them. Keep carbs constant until your abs are truly ready to be seen, then a quick cut will rip out the final drops of water. This is the biggest mistake I’ve seen, dropping carbs too fast and too much, which reduces energy and forces “skinny fat” syndrome instead of good fat burning. Increase your protein to 50-60 additional grams per day and amino acid intake to 10-20 grams per day of supplementation; do this while increasing your veggie intake, so that you can get your calorie count where it needs to be to shed the excess poundage.

abs workout for men:  

The Challenge

Weeks 1 And 2

Frequency: Four times a week.
Time: One minute per move (unless otherwise stated). Rest 30 seconds between moves.

Week 3

Frequency: Four times a week.
Time: One minute per move (unless otherwise stated). Rest 30 seconds between moves.

Week 4

Frequency: Four times a week.
Time: One minute per move (unless otherwise stated). Rest 30 seconds between moves.